Story Circle
A sisterhood circle where our stories can be told with honesty and held in honor
The purpose of Story Circle is to tenderly scope the landscape of our hearts as we excavate our stories. In doing so, we are invited to bring integration and assign meaning to the fragmented parts of our stories as they are embraced into wholeness.
It is unique in that while it will predominantly use the modality of writing, it also embeds somatic and other creative modalities. You will gain tools that you can replicate for yourself and/or others in spaces you participate in. Our model includes masterclasses taught by professionals in their field, communal writing time guided by intentional prompts, and facilitated spaces by our Wholehearted & Courageous Leadership Team. It is a fully immersive experience that we are proud to offer.
Stories shape our lives
Many of the stories that shape our lives are unknown to our conscious mind. When we are given the opportunity to focus on specific stories by way of tender excavation and guidance of Holy Spirit, we are sure to discover treasure. We need the witness of others who are safe to open our treasure chests of stories with so that our discoveries about our own lives are held in a circle of strength. This is what Story Circle will be for us.

Scriptural Inspiration
“These things His disciples did not understand at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written of Him, and that they had done these things to Him.”
John 12:16
Bible Version

Our invitation to you
We invite you to join us and be part of an inaugural journey. Here is the application link. We are with you as you prayerfully consider joining us this year.